Where are you??

Friday, October 23, 2009

A DREAM OF MUSLIMAH (also the dream of me)

‘What’s your dream guy like?’

a friend asked me one day while we ride on a taxi.
I didn’t replied him immediately though,

‘and have you found him?’
he added quickly.

‘Why do you want to know’
I politely asked with a smile.

‘Well, only asking,
he replied calmly.

‘Was he like me?’
he then added.
He was hinting something, I knew.
I’ve been waiting for this moment all this year.
And this could be a dream come true, but..

‘My dream guy is,’
I began
‘Someone who can guide me, you know, he leads and I follow,’
Then I paused.

‘I can be the guy,’
He said confidently.

There was silence again, a long one. The taxi finally reached my home. I said goodbyes to him and walked to my front door. I wave before the taxi accelerated again. He smiled to me even though I didn’t gave him the answer. He was a nice guy but he couldn‘t be the guy. Because…

I want to live with a guy who could guide me, so that I can get closer to My Creator.
I want a man who can lead as an Imam, in every prayers that we’re gonna do together as married couple.
A man who would tell Islamic history as a bed-time-stories to our children in the future.
I want a man who’ll read the holly Quran to me, to cheer me every time I’m down.
That is my dream guy and before I can meet him,
I knew I need to fix myself first.

I know u r there.. Lets we improve ourselves 1st before the day will come......

1 comment:

The Blogwalker said...

InsyaAllah, the day will come. and at that time, all of us are ready to.

InsyaAllah, All is under Allah's guides. May Allah guide us along the true path.

May Allah bless us, and lead us to be good khalifah n muslimah. InsyaAllah. Amin,